Der Micro Cleaner

Die umweltfreundliche Reinigungs-Revolution mit Microtrockendampf

Gruppe 3082

Green Cleaning - Chemiefrei reinigen für die saubersten und hygienischsten Oberflächen komplett ohne Rückstände.

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Why cleaning chemical free? That's why!

Did you know ...

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... how harmful chemical cleaning agents are?

Harmfulness of chemical cleaning agents

The use of chemical cleaning agents, especially spray cleaners, is as harmful to the lungs as smoking. Exposure to cleaning agents is equivalent to about 20 cigarettes per day!
Hand die Erdkugel hält

... how few resources our micro dry steam units require?

Resource requirements of our micro dry steam units

When using a micro dry steam unit, only 2 litres of water and no chemical detergents are needed to clean an entire family home.
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... how dangerous multi-resistant germs are?

Dangerousness of multi-resistant germs

Every year, more than 33,000 people in the European Union (EU) die from infections with multi-resistant germs!

... how bad plastic is for the environment?

Plastic lifespan

It takes 450 to 500 years for a plastic bottle to completely decompose!

... how high is the proportion of plastic in marine litter?

Plastic in marine litter

About 75 per cent of all marine litter consists of plastics! Every year, 4.8 to 12.7 million tonnes of plastic end up in the world's oceans, which is up to 18,000 pieces of plastic of various sizes per square kilometre of sea surface.

... what danger do chemicals pose?

Aerosols from chemicals

Worldwide, up to 900,000 premature deaths a year are caused by so-called anthropogenic secondary organic aerosols (ASOA) released by widely used chemicals!

... how many creatures die because of plastic waste?

Danger of plastic waste for living creatures

More than 1 million seabirds and 100,000 other marine creatures die every year because of plastic waste!
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... how much water is needed to neutralise a household cleaner?

Water requirement for the neutralisation of a household cleaner

100,000 litres of water are needed to neutralise 1 bottle of household cleaner with regard to its pH value!

... how many bacteria are there on a dishcloth?

Bacteria on a dishcloth

There are more than 100 million bacteria on one square centimetre of a conventional dishcloth in the kitchen!

Compared to conventional cleaners

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Less plastic

Chemical cleaning agents not only pollute waste water, but also generate a lot of plastic waste. If cleaning is done without conventional cleaning agents, about 80 % less packaging waste is produced.


Water saved

Whereas normally around 60 litres of water are needed to clean a single-family house, for example, a complete cleaning with micro dry steam requires only 2-3 litres. This means that the use of water can be reduced by around 95 % and precious resources can be conserved.


Elimination of germs

Thanks to a temperature of over 180 degrees, thermal disinfection takes place at the same time as cleaning with micro dry steam. The result: a germ reduction of over 99.99 % on all surfaces.


Saving on cleaning agents

Cleaning with micro dry steam makes the use of chemical products completely unnecessary. A 100% saving of cleaning agents therefore means 0% impact on the environment as well as on the health of cleaning staff, guests, customers, etc.

The greener - the cleaner

The book on the Green Cleaning Concept

Gruppe 3082

What exactly does chemical-free cleaning mean? Why do conventional cleaning agents make surfaces dirtier rather than cleaner? And how much do chemical cleaning agents pollute our health and our environment?

Fritz Pattis, inventor of the Green Cleaning Concept, provides answers to these and many other questions in his new book and does away with outdated knowledge about cleaning. Instead, he shows new ways to clean sustainably and hygienically with Green Cleaning.

The greener - the cleaner. DThe book on the Green Cleaning Concept:

> Amazing facts about chemical-free cleaning

> Interesting facts about germs, viruses & Co.

> Numerous expert interviews

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Das Green Cleaning Concept®

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Zahlreiche Branchen

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Treatment chair in the sterile environment of a treatment room in a doctor's surgery.

Medical practices

The MediCleanTec Micro Cleaner is particularly effective in doctors' surgeries, as the particularly hot micro-dry steam cleans all surfaces, e.g. from equipment, treatment tables, WC, walls, furniture, .... to the floors (vinyl, linoleum, textiles, laminates, tiles, wood, ...) in a particularly hygienic way, removes the breeding grounds for germs and also has a very strong germ-reducing effect due to the heat.

A customer reaches into a chemically cleaned refrigerated counter in the supermarket while her shopping cart stands next to her.

Supermarkets & Shops

Shelves, refrigeration units, showcases, walls, ceilings, displays, windows and all types of flooring can be cleaned particularly quickly, easily and much more thoroughly with the MediCleanTec Micro Cleaner, and above all without leaving any residue. Wherever food is handled, the high germ reduction and cleaning performance down to the last crevice and crevice is also appreciated. Climbing ladders and laborious bending are also a thing of the past, so cleaning without chemicals is not only much healthier in terms of allergies, but also ergonomically.

Brown and black designed, large interior of a modern restaurant, with set tables, fireplace and ceiling lighting.

Hotel & Restaurant

The particularly gentle micro-dry steam is ideal for dusting and gently cleaning delicate furnishings, furniture, curtains, lampshades, walls and ceilings, as well as for cleaning all rooms and floors (laminate, wood, stone, tiles, carpets, etc.) down to the last pore, effectively and hygienically. Sanitary facilities are also quickly and effortlessly cleaned of germs, dirt and residues.

Professional car interior cleaning with steam cleaner: An experienced technician thoroughly cleans the interior of a car with a powerful steam cleaner to effectively remove dirt and bacteria.

Car & boat preparation

Whether outside or inside - with micro dry steam, a car, bike or boat can be cleaned quickly, gently and thoroughly, saving not only chemicals but also an enormous amount of water. This means you can clean anywhere - even in the great outdoors or on the water - without worrying about the environment.

Two red-clad paramedics push a stretcher into an ambulance.

Ambulance & Transporter

The MediCleanTec Micro Cleaner is the strongest micro-dry steam powerhouse in the smallest space and is therefore also ideal for use in vehicles or can reach everywhere with its extra-long hose - right into the last cracks and joints - and clean residue-free and deep into the pores. Germs no longer stand a chance without culture media and against this heat.

A surgical assistant prepares for an upcoming operation in a sterile operating theater in a hospital.

Hospitals & Clinics

Whether patient rooms with all their furnishings, bathrooms and showers, corridors or the operating theater - with the extremely flexible MediCleanTec Micro Cleaner, all surfaces and even the most difficult to access areas can be cleaned very efficiently, quickly and sustainably. Germs are removed from the breeding grounds and the heat contributes to a high level of germ reduction - the surfaces can be used again quickly thanks to the very dry micro steam cleaning. Mattresses, furniture, appliances, walls, ceilings, windows and work surfaces are treated just as gently as plastic, wooden or carpeted floors, tiles and other surfaces. Joints, leather, glass, silicones, seals, etc.

Young pupils follow lessons in a classroom.

Schools & Kindergartens

Sustainable chemical-free cleaning in terms of health and environmental protection is also very popular in communal areas. On all furniture, walls, ceilings and floors, the surfaces are not only cleaned down to the last crevice, but mold and germs are also reduced to a high degree without any negative side effects. Unpleasant odors are also removed causally.

Freshly cleaned stainless steel equipment in a commercial kitchen.

Kitchens & Catering

The hygienic cleanliness and high germ reduction achieved by the MediCleanTec Micro Cleaner is particularly appreciated where food is processed and is even actively recommended by the Federal Association of German Food Inspectors. Walls, ceilings, work surfaces, refrigeration units, floors and appliances in particular can be cleaned down to the smallest cracks and joints quickly and easily and without leaving any residue. Electronics, seals and sensitive surfaces are protected.

Production employee working on a machine in food production.

Food industry

Our MediCleanTec industrial dry steam generators are available in various sizes and outputs (2.45 KW to over 40 KW electricity or diesel) and can even be customized and equipped for special requirements. This enables us to offer targeted solutions for cleaning problems on a wide variety of surfaces and equipment for industrial companies. This removes the culture media from the germs and the enormous heat effect achieves a high germ reduction, which also prevents the development of resistance.

Dry-cleaned, luxurious bathroom with floor-to-ceiling shower cubicle and double washbasin.

Sanitary facilities

Stubborn residues and unpleasant germs, mold and biofilms etc. lurk not only in toilets, sink drains and joints, but can also be removed quickly and easily with the MediCleanTec Micro Cleaner. Hygienic and sustainable cleanliness should also be standard on the walls and floors of sanitary areas.

A group of senior citizens are sitting together at a table in a retirement home and chatting.

Retirement & Nursing Homes

Cleaning and disinfecting in a sustainable, chemical-free and hygienic manner is of course also an important health protection issue in retirement and nursing homes. From the rooms to the kitchen, from the sanitary facilities to the necessary equipment such as wheelchairs, walking aids, rollators or bath lifts, hygiene is essential. With our Green Cleaning Concept, surfaces are not only cleaned down to the last crevice, but mold and germs are also reduced to a high degree and without negative side effects. Unpleasant odors are also removed causally.

Interior view of a luxurious spa in a wellness facility with several treatment beds.

Spas & wellness facilities

Our time- and water-saving micro dry steam vacuum cleaner is used for large areas such as wellness areas or bathrooms. In this way, germs have no chance - especially in a damp environment - and neither do chemical residues, which are increasingly difficult to remove and can also negatively change the pH value in swimming pools.

Warum Green Cleaning?

Durch das Reinigen mit Microtrockendampf wird der Teufelskreis durchbrochen, der durch Rückstände chemischer Reinigungsmittel entsteht. An diesen haften schneller und leichter neuer Schmutz sowie Keime an und machen dadurch das Reinigen von mal zu mal schwieriger. Microtrockendampfgeräte entfernen diese Rückstände vollständig und sorgen damit für eine dauerhaft bessere Sauberkeit und Hygiene.

Gruppe 3082


Keine Belastung des Abwassers durch Chemie, kein Verpackungsmüll und 95% weniger Wasserverbrauch. Mit Green Cleaning können Unternehmen sowie Haushalte einen großen Beitrag pro Umweltschutz leisten.



Rückstandslos gereinigte Oberflächen sind hygienische Oberflächen, da neuer Schmutz schwerer anhaftet und Keime keinen Nährboden mehr finden. Durch das Reinigen per Microtrockendampf können Keime um mindestens 99,99% reduziert werden.



Beim Einsatz von Chemie wird jede Reinigung schwieriger, da immer neue Reinigungsmittelrückstände hinzukommen. Werden Oberflächen mit Microtrockendampf porentief gereinigt und danach veredelt, bleiben diese deutlich länger sauber und sind noch dazu künftig leichter zu reinigen.

Recommended by:

The German Federal Association of Food Inspectors (Bundesverband der Lebensmittelkontrolleure e.V.) recommends the MediCleantec Micro Cleaner after extensive practical testing.

Unsere Produkte

Green Cleaning bedeutet Reinigung und Desinfektion ohne Chemie.

Mit unseren Produkten gelingt es, dieses Konzept im geschäftlichen oder privaten Alltag konsequent umzusetzen.

Gruppe 3082

Eliminate corona viruses and bacteria with micro dry steam.

With the power of heat, viruses are thermally inactivated and germs - even the most stubborn MRSA germs - are highly reduced.


Environmentally friendly cleaning of all application areas

Many surfaces, for example, are sensitive to moisture and can therefore be difficult to clean. With a water content of only 5%, micro dry steam solves this problem and is suitable for cleaning all surfaces - even when it comes to sensitive materials such as wood, textiles or electrical appliances.

Gruppe 3082
Brauner Laminatboden mit weißen Fußleisten und einer weiß gestrichenen Wand im Hintergrund.
Joints, corners & edges
Mann reinigt einen antiken braunen Dielenboden aus Holz mit einem Microtrockendampfreiniger.
Reinigung eines türkisfarbenen Teppichbodens mit weißen Pünktchen mit einem Microtrockendampfreiniger.
Microtrockendampfreinigung: Reinigung der Wandfliesen in der Dusche mit einem Micro Cleaner.
Microtrockendampfreinigung: Reinigung der Decke einer professionellen Küche mit einem Micro Cleaner.
Blick aus einem gekippten Dachfenster mit braunem Rahmen in den blauen Himmel.
Windows & glass surfaces
Microtrockendampfreinigung: Reinigung von Edelstahloberflächen in einer professionellen Küche.
Stainless steel surfaces
Professionelle Autoinnenreinigung mit Dampfreiniger: Ein erfahrener Techniker reinigt gründlich die Innenausstattung eines Autos mit einem leistungsstarken Dampfreiniger, um Schmutz und Bakterien effektiv zu entfernen.
Cars & motor cycles
Reinigung einer silbernen Brotschneidemaschine mit einem Microtrockendampfreiniger.
Household appliances
Reinigung der Armlehne eines orangenen gepolsterten Sessels mit einem Micro Cleaner.
Microtrockendampfreinigung: Reinigung von Fliesen.
Reinigung einer weißen Matratze in einem Hotelzommer mithilfe eines Micro Cleaners.
Reinigung eines Terassen-Bodens aus weißen und braunen Fliesen mit einem Microtrockendampfreiniger.
Terrace & garden furniture
Weißer Heizkörper, dessen Thermostat auf Stufe 4 gestellt ist.
Reinigung des Abflusses eines weißen Waschbeckens mit einem Microtrockendampfreiniger.

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Das sagen Kunden über Medeco Cleantec

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Referenzen von Medeco Cleantec

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Alle Referenzen
  • Alle Referenzen
  • Educational institutions
  • Examples of use
  • Facility management
  • Hotel & restaurant
  • Medical Practices & Salons
  • Reference
  • Transport Services
Hotel Stäfeli

Hotel Stäfeli****

„Unser Hygieneversprechen: Durch das Green Cleaning Concept von Medeco Cleantec sorgen wir für eine gründliche Reinigung und schonen durch die Vermeidung chemischer Inhaltsstoffe unsere Umwelt und die Gesundheit unserer Gäste und Mitarbeiter. Durch die nachgewiesene thermische Inaktivierung von Viren und die hohe Keimreduktion durch das Green Cleaning-Verfahren sorgen wir außerdem für ein Plus an Sicherheit.“

Hotel Stäfeli  **** - Relais du Silence

Wellnesshotel Alpin Juwel

Hotel Alpin Juwel****

„Seit wir nurmehr mit sehr trockenem Wasserdampf reinigen, haben wir keine Rückstände mehr von Chemikalien, Materialien werden geschont, wir sparen viel Zeit, Kosten und Wasser/Abwasser und haben viel weniger Krankenstände, da Mitarbeiter nicht mehr mit Chemie in Berührung kommen. Wir haben nur eine Umwelt – und die ist uns sehr wichtig!“

Alexander Schwabl, Geschäftsführer und Inhaber


Hotel Ecoinn


„Unsere Mitarbeiter können dank Green Cleaning nicht nur sehr viel effizienter und schneller reinigen, sondern damit auch die Umwelt, die eigene Gesundheit und die der Gäste schützen. Unsere Bettenauslastung ist außerdem um 25% gestiegen, seit wir in allen Bereichen auf Nachhaltigkeit und soziale Verantwortung setzen.“

Thomas Puchan, Geschäftsführer des ECOINN Hotel am Campus, als ökologischstes Hotel Europas ausgezeichnet

Wir setzen uns für eine gesunde und saubere Umwelt ein

Umweltschutz gewinnt besonders in der heutigen Zeit immer mehr an Bedeutung und wir haben eine große Verantwortung gegenüber unseren Kindern und zukünftigen Generationen. Unser besonderes Anliegen ist es deshalb, gemeinsam mit unseren Kunden dazu beizutragen, umweltbelastende Chemie und Müllberge zu vermeiden.

Dafür arbeiten wir eng mit kompetenten Partnern aus den Bereichen Handel, Vertrieb, Reinigung, Desinfektion und Produktion zusammen, um hochwertige sowie ausschließlich europäische Produkte für die chemiefreie Reinigung und Entkeimung sämtlicher Oberflächen und der Luft anbieten zu können.

Unsere Partner

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For questions, appointment bookings & requests, please contact us via phone, email or the contact form. We will contact you as soon as possible to arrange an appointment for the initial consultation.


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Georg-Aicher-Str. 1
D-83026 Rosenheim

Phone: +49 8031 290610
Email: [email protected]
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