Europe's greenest hotel

Group 3082

The Hotel ECOINN has now been recognized as the greenest hotel with the most sustainable footprint in Europe.

Member of the Bundestag and former Environment Minister Jürgen Trittin personally presented the certificate and held the laudatory speech with the hope that as many imitators as possible from the hotel and catering industry, but of course also from other sectors, will follow this exemplary example.

Thomas Puchan, Managing Director of ECOINN, explained that thanks to green cleaning, his employees can not only clean much more efficiently and quickly, but also protect the environment, their own health and that of their guests. His bed occupancy rate has also increased by 25% since he started focusing on sustainability and social responsibility in all areas.

Jürgen Trittin überreicht Urkunde
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Georg-Aicher-Str. 1
D-83026 Rosenheim

Phone: +49 8031 290610
Email: [email protected]
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