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Effective and chemical-free radiator cleaning with micro dry steam

If you want to increase the efficiency of your radiators and reduce energy costs, regular cleaning is essential. After all, even a thin layer of dust can reduce the performance of a radiator by 10 percent - if the last cleaning was even longer ago, efficiency can even drop by up to 30 percent.

However, to avoid stirring up unnecessary dust when cleaning radiators in the truest sense of the word, feather dusters and the like are best left in the cupboard. A more effective method, which also binds the dust, is the use of micro-dry steam, which, thanks to a water content of only 5%, prevents the dust from swirling up and yet leaves no wetness behind. At the same time, modern micro dry steam cleaners blow dust deposits out of even the smallest crevice thanks to high pressure - without having to remove any parts of the radiator.

Another advantage of green cleaning with micro dry steam is that there is no need to use chemical cleaning agents at all. Modern appliances, such as the Micro Cleaner from Medeco, work exclusively with water vapor, which consists of tiny particles. As a result, the micro-dry steam dissolves and removes dust, dirt and cleaning agent residues - the high outlet temperature of the dry steam of around 100 degrees also ensures thermal disinfection at the same time.

"The use of cleaning chemicals would have lasting consequences, especially for radiators," explains Fritz Pattis, founder of the Green Cleaning concept. "Every cleaning agent leaves behind residues, which would then - all the more so with a hot radiator - permanently release harmful vapors into the room air." Cleaning exclusively with micro dry steam instead not only increases the efficiency of the radiators, but also the quality of the room air.

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